This small group art holiday relies on having sufficient numbers (10-12) in our group, as we are also committed to our pre-booked accommodation. So it's necessary to charge a cancellation fee as outlined below if you decide to cancel. 

If we decide to cancel the trip at any time we will issue you with a FULL refund.

We will, of course, operate within the confines of COVID-Safe guidelines in place at the time of the holiday.

We are not responsible for expenses you have in the preparation of the trip (even if cancelled), such as airline tickets, travel delays, flight cancellations, COVID state border restrictions, enforced quarantine or health problems. There is no refund if you arrive late or decide to leave early. Travel insurance which covers cancellations is recommended.

Your $690 deposit secures your place.


Cancellation fees are as follows:

  • Until 30 November 2020 - $100 Admin Fee
  • 1 December - 31 December - $500 cancellation fee
  • 1 January - 1 February - 50% of the trip cost
  • From 1 February 2021 - no refunds

Note that if you do have to pull out, you may request that a friend replace you... this will be considered, providing the group and apartment dynamics are maintained.